Friday 3 November 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

I think that my current curriculum is the appropriate to the career propose, but I prefer the old curriculum there were subject like anatomy, that subject was a very interesting subject for me, but it does not matter, I still like the career. The length of the studies it seems to me a little long, in other countries the career just long about four years, my career long about six year, is to long, even without a post degree, with this finish the career long about ten year, is much time. The infrastructure is good but i think we need more green areas, the green areas are very important to the students  and a libraries more bigger with more material, with this I mean more numbers of copy of each books. Some times the technology it is not a ally, for example I disagree with  the use of Projectors and replace the board for a Ppt. I prefer old school teaching methods. The way that we learn is changed too, because in the past when we needed look some information we must to read all the chapter and with this we learn more things even if we don’t needed and we learned a lot of things, but know we only limits to put just one word in the seeker to get access to some information, so for this reason I prefer the classic methods of teaching , all the class put attention and gritting faster to get some information given by the teacher , they made the classes more interesting  and more dynamics.

Changes To My Study Programme

    I think that my current curriculum is the appropriate to the career propose, but I prefer the old curriculum there were subject li...