Tuesday 24 October 2017

Summer Holidays

In my summer holidays I would like to visit the south of Chile, specially Valdivia, in the past holidays I went to Valdivia and this holidays I want to go again and for more time, in Valdivia I met a lot of kind people respectful and willing to help, I have a lot different things to do and places to visit, the last time I did not have enough time to do some things, they had many place I could not go.  so ,I plan to go back one more time, know I want to go with my parents and brother, they never have been in the south of Chile so I would like show them the things I lived when I went, but know travel to others places like Chiloe for example, I never have been in Chiloe. Other thing I would like to do is travel to other country but only with my father a brother, my mother and sister they would never travel in a plane. A dream of my father is go to Europe and visit all history places, museums, antique buildings and castles, especially Germany, England and Italy, my father always wanted visit the Roman Coliseum, He is passionate for the Gladiators, they history and the ways they lived in the pass so a favorite places to visit to him is the Roman Coliseum. I hope someday give Him the opportunity to visit Roma and the other places of Europe.

Friday 13 October 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Fortunately i never been acquainted personally with drugs of abuse, but I know some people with this type of problem and the drug is the amphetamine. A few years ago this person was part of my group of friends but little by little this person it went away. I remember when this person used the drug he becomes active and nervous, sometimes he becomes aggressive whit other people and unfortunately the way to pass a good time was only with de drug and when he can’t get it becomes nervous and aggressive too. The drugs bring a lot of benefits only when the drug is used like a medical treatment, some drugs can save life for example hits of adrenaline when a patient his heart stop, some drugs can be possible pass a better way some pathology like the Morphine in the patient with Cancer or CNS depressant in a patient with sleep disorders. But regrettably a impropriety use can be dangerous depend the dose used can bring cerebral injuries even the death. The most common withdrawal symptom is the convulsions, excessive sweating, weight loss, sleep disorders, aggressively, among others. Nowadays the drugs impact in the society is too alarming, the life of many people around the world is in a constant danger. The drugs brings many type of problems like the drug trafficking in different parts of the world, the drugs destroyed families and life of many younger people, so the consequences of drugs are varied.

Friday 6 October 2017

Post Graduate Studies

Since i was a child i liked to teach to my others classmates, i like to teach my sister and brother too when they have exams or home work in the school related whit the science like biology, physic and chemistry, so when a finish my professional degree i would to like  continuous my studies in a master of education, i would like job in some university, some universities they require a PhD degree, but a don't have in mind do a PhD degree jet. But maybe some years after my graduating i would take a PhD degree program. I would like to study in the country and i hope study in the same university of my current carrier or if i have the opportunity i would like to study in other university of the south of Chile. I would like to study in a part time curse to let me work like pharmacist in a company during my studies in education.  Now I don’t know what kind of subject I want to teach because I lack a lot of subject to pass, so, in the way may appear something interesting to teach ,now I like the organic chemistry and the physiology so I think my interesting  maybe can be how different drugs they act in different parts of tissues .

Your Future Job

I don't know what kind of job i would like to have, but i prefer some laboratory whit a multidisciplinary team and have contact only whit my team, don't have contacts whit patient or mass public.I would like my job allow me to travel to other countries or other places of the country, i hope do a lot of different kinds of  things and not do always the same thing and not having a monotonous job. I hope a good pay, if my job don't hallow me travel to other places  my salary will be possible, but in my opinion the time of dedication to my job is more important than the salary, i don't want a job that absorbs my personal life, i like stay whit my family and do different things the weekends and my future job will not change that, so, i would like a job whit a normal working day.I thinking take a mayor some years after graduating, i want stability whit some job a few year  later think take  a mayor curse.I would like take a mayor, but study a short time something not so long because i studied a few year other carrier before my current carrier, so i can't take long to finish my studies.

Changes To My Study Programme

    I think that my current curriculum is the appropriate to the career propose, but I prefer the old curriculum there were subject li...